Riverside Park Recreation Expansion Project

New Recreational Amenities include:

  1. Pool House Project (complete) – includes outdoor rink, splash pad and new building. $450,000 funding received.
  2. Multi-use pathway – Paving complete. Two outdoor fitness stations and pathway signage to be completed August 2024. Received $100,000 Trillium fund and $7,500 from ParticipAction for one of the fitness stations.
  3. Shade Structures - Purchase of two 12’x12’ shade structures. Installation beginning of August 2024. Part of $50,000 donation from Enbridge Gas.
  4. Purchase of two portable basketball standards. Install complete. Purchased from Enbridge Gas donation.
  5. Purchase of one accessible picnic table and one park bench. Install complete. Purchased from Enbridge Gas donation.

Quick Facts:

  • In 2013, the Municipality of North Grenville developed a revitalization plan for North Grenville's Riverside Park
  • The Riverside Park recreational amenities identified were based on public engagement in the 2020 Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan.
  • Riverside Park is North Grenville's oldest and largest park, centrally located in North Grenville's downtown core and hosts many of the community's major events, including Canada Day.
  • North Grenville’s Council has also prioritized investments to improve parks in rural hamlets.The $100,000 that North Grenville won as part of the Grand Prize from the 2021 Participaction Community Better Challenge (for being crowned Canada’s Most Active Community) will bring upgraded recreation infrastructure in several rural hamlets including:
    1. A new play structure at Crozier Park, Oxford Mills;
    2. A new play structure at Oxford Station Park;
    3. A new rink house at Bishops’ Mills Park;
    4. An upgraded basketball court behind the Burritt’s Rapids Community Centre.

Who's listening

Mark GuyDirector of Parks and RecreationThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
613‑258‑9569 ext. 103


Construction Begins

September 2022

September 2022

New Pool House Building Construction Completion

August 2023

Outdoor Rink Completion

December 2023

December 2023

Splash Pad Construction Completion

Opening Summer 2024

Accessible Picnic Table

Summer 2024

Summer 2024

Basketball Standards (2)

Summer 2024

Multi-use Pathway

Summer 2024

Summer 2024

Multi-use Pathway Outdoor Fitness Stations

August 2024

Two Shade Structures

August 2024

August 2024

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Accessibility Statement

Municipal Office
285 County Road #44,
PO Box 130
Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0

Monday through Friday
8:30 am - 5:00 pm

General Inquiries

Arena Staff (business hours)
613-258-9569 ext 141 or 175

Arena Staff (evenings/weekends)
613-316-2451 or 613-316-5010

After-hours Emergency Number

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