Planning Approvals

North Grenville's Development Review Team (DRT) offers a one-window approach for developers to pre-consult on the technical, engineering and planning approval requirements for their proposals. DRT allows the Municipality to manage the growth and development of the community in an efficient and comprehensive manner.

DRT includes representatives from the local Conservation Authority, United Counties, as well as staff from the Municipality’s Planning & Development Department, Public Works Departments, Parks, Recreation and Culture Department, Emergency and Protective Services and Corporate Services. Coordination of external and internal partners allows for coordination of comments and direction ahead of a development application. This includes the drafting of a pre-consultation letter to guide the developer in the submission of their complete application. This eliminates the potential for conflicting and overlapping advice, and results in comprehensive, timely planning recommendations and approvals.

The DRT is a key element in making North Grenville investment ready.

DRT has helped to position the Municipality as an active partner in the growth and development of the Community and a preferred place to do business. Focusing on Client Service rather than "regulation" gives North Grenville a competitive advantage over other communities.

If you want to set up an appointment to meet with our Development Review Team to discuss your development proposal, please fill in the "Development Review Team - Pre-consultation" form and email it to our Planning Department at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

planning approvals

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Accessibility Statement

Municipal Office
285 County Road #44,
PO Box 130
Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0

Monday through Friday
8:30 am - 5:00 pm

General Inquiries

Arena Staff (business hours)
613-258-9569 ext 141 or 175

Arena Staff (evenings/weekends)
613-316-2451 or 613-316-5010

After-hours Emergency Number

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