The purpose of the Community and Economic Development Advisory Committee is to:
- act as an advisor to Council on community and economic development questions, challenges and/or issues that may arise;
- provide expertise and knowledge on North Grenville community and economic development issues to Council, such as questions, challenges and/or opportunities; and
- improve the economic and social well-being of the residents of North Grenville by fostering an environment suitable for creating and retaining jobs and by supporting community cohesion and engagement.
The Committee shall:
- be focused on actions that guide and promote the community and economic growth of the Municipality of North Grenville;
- provide expertise as they are able and communicate and/or meet with subject matter experts, to arrive at recommendation(s) for Council regarding, but not limited to:
• the development and implementation of the economic development strategy
• the creation of economic development promotional materials
• exploring opportunities for strengthening the commercial tax base
• creating and implementing business retention and expansion programs; - advise Council on the best use of available resources;
- research and present to Council, questions, challenges and/or issues that pertain to community and economic development in North Grenville;
- offer advice and feedback to Council on community and economic development programs and project budgets;
- research and review of community and economic development suggestions and proposals, in support of staff;
- deliver advice to Council on Municipal plans of the Municipality; and
- deal with matters of interest to North Grenville and within the area of community and economic development.
The Committee shall have regard to the shared priorities of the Community Strategic Plan, Committee Handbook, and Procedural By-Law.
The Committee shall be comprised of a minimum of four (4) and a maximum of ten (10) volunteer members, the Mayor as an ex-officio member, and up to two (2) members of Council, all of whom have voting rights. Staff person(s) from the Economic Development division, Planning and Development, and Corporate Services departments will also attend meetings as a liaison(s) to the Municipality.
In considering the appointment of voting members to the Committee, Council shall consider the following criteria for members of the Committee:
- influential decision makers or business leaders from various businesses and/or industry sectors;
- individuals who are prepared to commit to the responsibilities and duties required of them in their work on the Committee;
- highly experienced individuals who possess unique skills and/or experience which will benefit the work of the Committee;
- community members who have a very good or unique understanding of the current local economic climate;
- individuals who understand that a strong commitment to this Committee is required, which means attending the majority of meetings and/or economic development events, of the Committee; and
- individuals who understand the possible requirement for closed session meetings, conflict of interest and rules of non-disclosure, and are aware that they will be required to sign a letter of non-disclosure.
The Municipality of North Grenville is committed to advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion in every aspect of its work, including appointments to advisory committees. An increase in diversity can assist in promoting equal opportunities and memberships with a diversity of lived experiences. A more diverse membership will contribute to the work of each advisory committee. Each advisory committee shall endeavour to have balanced representation from various equity- and inclusion-seeking groups including, but not limited to, people with disabilities, francophones, Indigenous people, newcomers, older adults, racialized community members, rural residents, 2SLGBTQIA+, those facing socioeconomic disadvantage, women, minority faith-based and spiritual group members, and youth.
The Committee, by a majority vote of its members, may recommend to Council to remove any member of the Committee who does not fulfil their obligations under their appointment.
Committee Chair
The Committee shall elect a Co-Chair from among its volunteer members. The position will be elected by a secret ballot by a majority of the voting members of the Committee. A Member of Council will act as a Co-Chair.
The Co-Chairs will have a concurrent four-year term. In the absence of the Co-Chairs, the Committee shall appoint an Acting Chair.
The Committee Co-Chairs will present the Committee's reports and recommendations to Council, as required with staff support.
Advisory Experts
The Committee may invite additional content experts to attend regular meetings and to present at specific meetings in order to meet its mandate.
The Committee shall meet once every month, excluding July, (11 meetings per annum) – either in person or via an accessible virtual platform – with additional special meetings of the Committee as required by the Co-Chairs.
Agenda packages will be sent out the week prior to the meetings and published on the Municipality’s website. Draft minutes will be distributed by email to each Committee member by the Corporate Services department within one (1) week following the meeting.
Quorum of the Committee shall be a majority of the appointed members.
Votes by the Committee will be held at regular or special meetings. Decision making of the group shall be by majority vote.
Department Jurisdiction
Office of the Chief Administrative Officer – Economic Development division
Planning and Development
Corporate Services - The Director is responsible to ensure that all associated legislative responsibilities to the Committee are fulfilled.
Staff Contact
Administrative Support
The Clerk delegates authority to the Corporate Services Administrative Assistant to provide minute taking. Agenda preparation and distribution will be done by the Corporate Services Administrative Assistant in conjunction with the Co-Chairs and Clerk’s division. The Clerk’s division will post the agenda on the Municipal website and via the meeting calendar invitation.
The Committee will prepare an annual work plan including budget requests ahead of the budget cycle. The Manager of Economic Development shall bring forward budget requests of the Committee as part of the Municipal budget process.
Committee Members
James McNeil
Tracy McDonald
Wayne Brown
Cholly Boland
Rick Tachuk
Wendy Embleton
Andre Rancourt
Shawn Carnegie
Greg Lane
Council Members
Councillor Debbie Wilson
Mayor Nancy Peckford
Deputy Mayor John Barclay
For more information please contact the Deputy Clerk at