Slow Down. Watch For Kids. Be Prepared to STOP.
Motorists should be prepared to slow down and stop for children and school buses. Motorists should also be watching for children walking or riding their bikes to school, particularly at road crossings.
Safe Walking Route Maps
With more parents choosing to drive their children to school, drop off and pick up may be more hectic. The Leeds, Grenville and Lanark Public Health Unit along with their active school travel partners developed safe walking route maps families can use. If it isn’t feasible to walk the entire way, consider parking a block or two away from the school and walk the rest of the way. This will help relieve traffic and is a great way to be active.
North Grenville Active School Travel Charter
English French
This Charter serves to guide a long-term commitment to providing support, resources, and education towards active and sustainable school transportation in North Grenville. It was developed in 2020 in partnership with the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit, Upper Canada District School Board, Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario, École élémentaire et secondaire publique Rivière-Rideau, Notre Dame Catholic Academy in Kemptville, the Student Transportation of Eastern Ontario and the Municipality of North Grenville.
Safe Route School Maps for the following schools are available for download:
- Walking Route - South Branch/Rivière Rideau/Notre Dame
- Walking Route - Holy Cross Catholic School
- Walking Route - Kemptville Public School
School Zones and Community Safety Zones:
Slowdown in school zones and be extra cautious. Motorists should watch for Community Safety Zones, where fines are doubled if caught speeding. Community Safety Zones are clearly marked with road signs and are located along Country Road 44, Concession Road and Clothier Street.
School Zone – A School Zone is an areas within 150 metres on either side of a school which has a lower speed limit during school hours.
Community Safety Zone - A Community Safety Zone is an area where public safety is of special concern, such as areas around schools. Fines are doubled if caught speeding in the area.
Schools in North Grenville and the safety zone designation:
- Oxford on the Rideau Public School (50 Water St.) – School Zone with speed limit of 50 km/hr
- Kemptville Public School (County Road 44) – Community Safety Zone with speed limit of 60 km/hr
- South Branch Public School/ Rivière-Rideau/Académie Notre Dame (Concession Road) – Community Safety Zone with speed limit of 40 km/hr
- North Grenville District High School (Concession Road) – Community Safety Zone with speed limit of 40 km/hr
- Holy Cross Catholic School (Clothier Street) – Community Safety Zone with speed limit of 40 km/hr
- St. Michael's Catholic High School (County Road 43) – School zone with speed limit that changes during school hours from 60 km/hr to 40 km/hr.